Renewing Relationships that Matter

I happened upon this article which echoes work I am doing with many clients. The question is, would it be worthwhile to reconnect with friends or family that are no longer active parts of their life? I find this to be relevant in my personal life as well. For many of us, myself included, the pandemic has been an opportunity to reassess who matters most in our lives. I have had to sit with the realization that some of the people I have felt the deepest, most meaningful connections with are individuals with whom I don’t have regular contact. In a few cases, I have not spoken to them in years. Realizing this makes me long for closeness with them. As a result, it has sparked a desire to have those people in my day-to-day life.

Reconnecting with friends or family

This concept extends to our work relationships, too. Even when we are not in the middle of a global pandemic, private practice therapists, like myself, have limited exposure to our colleagues. In fact, there are lots of professions out there in the same boat. Even those that do get to have an “office bestie” have experienced some version of colleague isolation recently. Now, we are needing to work harder to connect with others. For many, this mean focusing on renewing past relationships.

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